There, he's done it again. Surpassed all
expectations. So then that two-word phrase
with its connotations of positivity should make
those who follow the exploits of this extraordinary
man applaud his performance, but then of course
we're using the language of superlatives and
this man is extraordinary in the sense that
makes most logical, sane minds cringe.
Those who might just shrug off the irritating
inanities of an ignoramus find themselves
unable to do so since this very symbol of
narcissistic superiority in a mind that is superior
only in its capacity for demonstrably inchoate
thought processes and unquestioning certainty
resides in one who has been elevated to the
still-most-powerful political, economic
social position on a planet of hundreds of
disparate nations all tethered to the affairs
of the country he leads. A country furthermore
that he has helped to bring to the brink of
total dysfunction where lawless thuggery
is but a reflection of the man's engagement
as a showman and business tycoon of most
questionable ethical concerns. Yet there he
is smirkingly flaunting his excesses as he
positions himself to continue the rampage of
his rule on the civilizational democratic order.
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