Friday, October 16, 2020

Lesser Lese Majeste


She appears pale, fragile, as in fact who

would not at the admirably advanced age

of 94, but royal duty doth call and in her

august professionalism she has taken 

herself out of temporary storage in this

time of a global pandemic to honour

the equally professional work of a

state scientist, appearing garbed in a

dusty pink hat and coat which colours

serve to enhance her delicately worn

presence, a Monarch for all the people

well-loved and venerated, setting an

example of courage and perseverance

in the wisdom of her being, in a nation

beset with a viral scourge beseeching

all to take necessary precautions to

distance oneself and adapt to masking to

prevent contagion. But where is the 

virus with the unmitigated gall to infect

a royal personage? Queen Elizabeth the

Second knows her unapproachable status

unhesitatingly presenting herself unmasked

daring the fates in their presumptive role.



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