Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sturm Und Drang


A command performance of sound and fury
a stirring drama of sinister proportions, a
sound poem set to the music of the heavens
the like of which had he dreamed it, Wagner
would have been proud. But these were not
ubermensch, instead a convention of giants
that degenerated into a shouting match of
impressive dimensions that roiled the fall
sky masked with an immense dark scowl that
stretched from east to west and denied the
sun its daily entrance. The disagreement
between weather systems and the atmosphere
was entirely that of nature's devising when
her judgement was focused elsewhere than
on the puny affairs of existence on one of her
lesser planets when competing forces held a
dress rehearsal for mass upheaval and a state
of pandemonium ensued, with trees forced to
courtsy and bow as wind gusted ferociously
directionless and powerful and otherwordly
groans fell from the sky as the giants collided
upsetting their great mugs of mead. Thunder
following thunder following rainbursts with
the rousted wind bellowing through the canopy
of the fall forest, bowing in obeisance to nature.

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