Thursday, October 15, 2020

Listen and Relate ....


Taken aback? Nonplussed? Well. You did ask.

Yes, a casual question, more a greeting than

anything, one that young people are prone

to answering with a chirpy 'Fantastic!' The 

fellow towering over you is the very image

of a robust and hale specimen in his 6ft+

glory, a former military man. Albeit one who

wears a pacemaker and a hearing aid. You 

did notice that his stride through the forest

trail as he approached was slow favouring

one side with a slight limp. But you asked.

It is the polite, civil greeting of people who

haven't seen one another in a while.... You

know him to be emotionally distant, possibly

anticipated nothing more than a breezy 'fine!'

but that's not what you got, as you stood there

nodding and commiserating. That he chose you  

among his acquaintances to hear his explication

of elderly debilitation likely meant he needed to 

vent, feeling your ear to be a compassionate one

not looking for sympathy ... just ... sharing.

So shed that discomfort and add a casual but

caring air of someone who knows all about

an aging body in a state of decline ... empathize.

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