Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Illogic of Faith

Language and perception can result in
a complex misappropriation of reality
and cerebral balance when it becomes
captive to an ideology of extraordinary
dysfunction perverting both in service to
a malignant purpose designed to capture
minds into a corrupted view of belief in
a divine ideal. Instilling the faith of
devotion deep within the sensibilities
of those vulnerable to the persuasion of
a supreme entity's will through the 
auspices of an assumed edifyingly divine 
script of the virtues inherent in surrendering
personal autonomy to the edicts of belief
binging believers in close proximity
to the divine and the promise of life
sustained in another dimension relies 
on convincing the faithful to commit
to surrender as peace, and rejection as
war. Peace must then wage its committed
campaign against the non-believers
representing war to bring them into a
hallowed state of peace. Corruption of
logic complete ... violent 'liberation'
creating a state of peace, out of terror.

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