Monday, October 21, 2019


Mine is a theory all my own bearing no 
resemblance whatever to those of a great 
mind like Einstein's in physics though I 
have named mine like his relativity. 
Everything, in fact, in a human dimension 
from personal suffering to world-shattering 
events and the ripples they cause beyond
the locus of their occurrence can be
relatively construed. I feel as an example
desolate that my vote will conclude as an 
exercise in hope gone astray since my 
fellow citizens felt in the majority otherwise
in their absent wisdom laying that proverbial
red carpet for the return of the most shallow
egotistical, mismanaging politician the
country we share has ever been locked into 
in reflection of a values culture so unlike 
my own. Simultaneously the Amazon is 
on fire, the Turkish military has been given 
free reign to annihilate an ancient, noble
tribe which set an example of fortitude and 
courage in a world where viral religious 
sectarianism has set fire of another kind to 
humanity. In my world of relativity I feel 
shattered by news from abroad I am helpless 
to respond to while angered by another
situation where my response is meaningless.

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