Sunday, October 27, 2019

That Theocratic Pandemic

In the unwritten rule book of alert dynamics
there is the vaguest ghost of consequences
such that whenever good news arises there
will inevitably arise with it the bad news
to follow. So huzzah! at the elimination
of an influential vector of the contamination
of hatred inspiring a psychotic death
industry clothed in the mystical aura of
a command to the faithful that they be
industrious in exercising their mandate to
expunge from existence all the heretics
who have chosen to spurn recognition of 
the manifest destiny of Islam to command
allegiance in every facet of life and death
to the supremacy of an Almighty offering
the choice of supine devotion or inglorious
death to those willing to submit the liberty
of existence called human rights to a defined
and constricting mode of formulaic servitude
to a humanity-despising, slavery-elevating
view of life on Earth. The Islamic State
architect may have been summarily disposed
of but the vicious ideological strain of death
or submission has been granted an impetus
anew in the glory of his martyrdom to Islam.

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