Sunday, October 13, 2019

It's Show Time

Hopeless romantics and nostalgia
seekers alike join as nature lovers in
the annual trek to the scene of the
drama where flamboyant conceit hangs
from trees and litters the forest floor in
the original colours that nature devised.
Their reward in the inner confines of a
forest their forbears long since migrated
from in favour of progress and the
tenor of the times mitigating against
the embrace of nature in favour of
a sterile urban setting where awaited
employment and the leisure pleasures
of city life. In dimly perceived primal 
memory of something discarded they
flock briefly back to their origins as
the offspring of nature's creations to
fondly recall moments in childhood 
when the appearance and texture the 
aroma and sound of autumn leaves 
and migrating bird calls drew from 
their souls a memory they failed to 
recognize but now stirs deep within 
their subconscious the latent desire 
of return, to witness their past.

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