Thursday, October 10, 2019

Aiding and Abetting

What does it take to embark upon a plan
of action cloaked in righteous sanctimony
whose end result will be the agonizing deaths
of a vast multitude of children, women, men 
representing a vulnerable population whose
plight as a target for territorial cleansing is of
little moment to the world at large, expressing
outrage yet moving not one iota of intention
to intervene? Start with an alliance between
a pair of tyrannical bullies for whom their own
and their nations' interests overwhelmingly
eclipse all irrelevant notions of human rights.
Despite a power imbalance, they share the 
characteristics of benevolent dictators who 
walk softly among their own who obey and 
torque a deadly cudgel to those who fail the 
test of loyalty to regimes known for their  
extravagant bombast and eagerness to impose 
deadly force to solidify their rule. The alpha 
ruler considers the argument of the beta ruler 
agreeing to set aside considerations of humanity 
enabling the crushing of the spirit and body 
of a noble people whose numbers will be 
decimated, the remainder become stateless 
refugees to satisfy the whims and wiles of 
conquest. This game as ancient as humanity 
once again striding across the world stage 
unleashing death and destruction and a huge
wide yawn of disinterest on the part of the 
global institution representing the finest
interests of humanity, failing the critical test.

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