Monday, October 14, 2019

The Doomsday Clock

Its hands move silently forward then 
slightly back again, no need for the
rhythmic tictoc of time clocking its 
passing for it does and it will of its own 
volition unmindful of the schemes and 
visions of mere humanity, uncaring and 
oblivious of those who conspire to destroy 
their very own existence. It is as though
SunYat-sen and Machiavelli met as
kindred souls to prognosticate a future 
they would not knowingly be part of 
yet gleefully predicting the lengths their
successors would strive to promulgate in 
the universal human preoccupation with
deadly precise contrivances of increasingly
advanced technology whose strikes are
more than capable of obliterating life
and for whose eager proponents visualizing
success in achieving such ends leading to
power and conquest view mass annihilation
a somewhat modest price to pay to achieve
their overweening but Pyrrhic ambition.

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