Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Desolate Loneliness

Reciprocal love is an ideal, like an ineffable
benediction conferred on the giver and the 
recipient alike, as they reciprocate perfect 
bliss in the harmony of emotional needs met
transforming life with a deeper meaning
through companionship and a shared
appreciation of all that life will offer
in the knowledge and confidence that
bonded lovers respect and care for their
others' well-being as the most priceless
of life's gifts. Those who attain it must be
aware that love is a spiritual attainment of
the highest order, one capable of growing
and also of ebbing and waning, placing
that ineffable gift in jeopardy avoidance
through nurture and devotion to its enduring 
stability. Loneliness is a bane afflicting those 
whom love has evaded, casting a deep-seated 
gloom of emotional deprivation over the 
many and varied experiences of life. This is 
a condition that has become viral in modern
society at a time when the great wide world 
has contracted with that essential ingredient 
in reaching out to others resulting in an 
ever-greater pool of binary choices even as 
those in search of the warm arms of love
become distanced from fulfillment in
favour of social distractions focusing on
the popularity of banal but sought-after
recognition without depth or value in
the accredited social allure of celebrity style
and the vacuum of distant and transient
friendships belying the human need of 
physical exchanges of mind and presence.

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