Monday, January 7, 2019

The Shifting Mass

Human habitation is shifting busily
reshaping itself. On the map there is as yet
no indication of this massive migration of
population but in time the physical shifts
will inevitably give birth to cultural
social upheavals of a magnitude not seen
since human habitation took thousands of
years to form and mass and establish
communities which are even now in the
process of departing established communities
long considered stable as a mass neurosis
a massive panic, hysteria and fundamental
rejection of the human condition whereby
masses are persecuted, dominated, their
freedom and opportunities denied, where
civil wars and brutal dictators enjoy their
powerful wages of studied tyranny reign. 
Those stable, civilized countries long practising
the social politics of inclusion, opportunity
and equality now see their stable populations 
roiled and challenged for it is as though the 
Earth has shifted on its axis and normalcy has
surrendered to chaos. But of course, it has.

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