Friday, January 25, 2019

Isms vs Democracy

Those among us of sound mind and acute
cerebral function know this to be true:
matters are not always as they seem.
Take, for example, the universal concern
over improving the human condition
through manipulating societal values
and governmental administration
focused on human rights, equality of
opportunity and entitlement as a first
order of business to achieve social and
economic Utopia. Various ideologies
subscribe to a process to elevate the
aggregate of humankind to realize the
full potential of existence beginning
with essentials;  the provision of liberty
of choice, of all the conditions making
the necessities of life available and in
the process a life of dignity promised to
all. The choices are various but in fact
no choice at all, rather the happenstance
of geographic location and poverty of
actual opportunity to thrive. Tyrants
interpret opportunity as their personal
monopoly to be doled out as required
to ensure loyalty within an ideology
that expresses itself as having the best
interests of 'the people' uppermost in
mind. Their exclusive membership of
elitism in the club of dictatorships 
deplores the alternative where 'the people' 
appoint by common consent a political 
hierarchy to do the peoples' will. This 
the benevolent dictatorship of the people 
removes by common consensus those 
who fail, as opposed to the harsh dictates 
of their opposites whose control by force 
leaves the governed in a state of perpetual 
fear deprived of hope, punished by the 
fate of circumstances, hapless victims.

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