Wednesday, January 9, 2019

That Man

There is nothing affected about his
courtly manner. His chivalry is quite
spontaneous, simply part of his most
charming character. Our infrequent
meetings are elevated with the spirit
of his gracious and wholly authentic
pleasure at seeing you and you cannot
but reciprocate. Tall, lean, his smile
wide and voice confident his attention
to your presence sparks pure delight.
By turns tender, then teasing his attitude
is one of familiarity for you've known
him a long time. Yet do you really know
this man? Yes, he has informed you
over the years of details of his personal
life as well as matters of health but his
tone is light and unburdened as of one
for whom life always has been and will
go on representing the opportunity to
broadcast his unique sense of value
found in the presence of others, in the
process attaching his effervescent
view of life to others with gossamer
threads of spirited devotion to empathy
through encounters so few and so very
random you don't even know his name.

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