Monday, January 14, 2019

Pampered Oblivion

That couple you so admire for
their dedication to their three dogs
one of which is a 'rescue' which just
goes to show how decent and caring
they are, is quite the example of
nice. Nice people that is. All societies
need nice. The nicer the better after
all. Those three dogs, all the same
breed of high intelligence specifically
bred as working dogs obey them instantly.
Among their many attributes that
couple, is the affinity they have for
animals, their sensitivity to their needs
their understanding of how they react
their compassion. The kind of people
that will offer to help in your time of
need. They're off for a winter vacation
to an island nation with no winters.
Their trio of super-intelligent dogs
have not yet been informed they will
be left in a kennel; hearing the word
will instantly inform them so they refrain
from speaking it aloud. Nothing at all
unpleasant will mar their holiday plans.
Their ocean getaway is securely secluded
no locals permitted thus no exposure
in direct form to poverty and insecurity
much less crime. The world turns as 
it must for the unprivileged and the
fortunate nice among us, does it not?

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