Monday, January 28, 2019

Poland, With Love

The final truth of Hitler's Final Solution
revealed at last, thanks to Poland's discerning
prime minister exonerating 'the Nazis' as the
cause of the Holocaust and naming in its
stead Germans for the horrors visited upon
a population its European hosts were all too
generously complicit in annihilating under 
duress for fear they too might become targets 
of mass obliteration in the malign machinery
of genocide. Fascism, then was merely an
expression of ideology manipulated by a
political charlatan who was after all Austrian
upon whom adulation and trust fell by the
German public, inheritors of civilization
achieving the pinnacle of the arts and
sciences, much of it through the genius of
Jews. Poland is restive at the besmirching
of its honour, history linking it inextricably
with Germany's agenda. Outraged that the finger
of plausibility points to complicity for after
all did not Poland suffer? The indignity of
being regarded as fully disposable as Jews in
the machinery of death stings. If memory serves
was not Poland the fount of historic tribulations
visited upon Jews, blood libels, pogroms, all
manner of deadly indignities leading German
fascists to assess that placing death camps in
Poland to be entirely appropriate? But oh
yes, Mr. Polish prime minister, Poland was
a victim and it is Germany at fault, Nazi fascism
simply incidental since anti-Semitism can
and does flourish unhampered everywhere.

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