Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hallowed Caste

How starkly peculiar and unpredictably
perplexing is the human mind. How better to
confront its puzzling pathology than to
imagine one segment of society portraying
itself as the absolute height of human
achievement in all spheres of accomplishment
then turning to another portion of the human
race to identify it as proto-human, unfit
for habitation among certifiably outstanding
humanity excelling in all areas of physical
and cerebral functioning when all the
while from ancient history to the very
present the scorned peoples have been the
essence of sustained civility, among whom
have arisen the most creative minds that
ever existed, a people whose achievements
in the arts and sciences have been unrivalled
and whose discoveries have led the world
to genuine progress, a people who at the
dawn of literacy wrote a legendary text
instructing the essence of good to prevail
which in itself inspired a religious revival
and even so those exemplars of decency and
peace among all were reviled, slandered and
subjected to an existential threat developed
to destroy their entire existence. Decimated
they yet prevail pursuing a primal mandate to
exist, quietly restoring and redeeming their
place despite a revival of that undercurrent
of desolating hatred breeding new threats.

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