Thursday, January 10, 2019

It Is Written

As Islamic scholars they are entrusted 
with the authority of interpretation of the 
sacred. They solemnly speak in the fullness
of their scholarship and the faithful listen. 
They speak of the mission of Islam, to 
rescue the world from its blasphemous 
disinterest in surrendering to the word of 
Almighty Allah whose blessed messenger 
brought the sacred texts to humankind 
with the expectation that the vision and the 
truth of the sole religion representing peace
and unity in belief must of necessity rule 
the world, transform the unbelievers into 
believers. Those whom corrupt ungodly
Islamophobes characterize as terrorists 
must be called to account for those in jihad
are obedient to the call, they must be revered
honoured and emulated for they do the 
holy work of God, spreading His commands
declaring loyalty as warriors of Islam. And 
those who claim the faith who yet shrink 
squeamishly with revulsion at the spilling of 
blood are in reality unbelievers themselves.
Apostates for whom the penalty is death, for
jihad is the undeniably sacred duty of all
who believe. So is it written, so must it be.

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