Sunday, January 13, 2019


Is it ego or principle
when you claim forthrightness
and an aversion to avoidance
through circumlocution
and simply cut through any
obfuscating drivel
taking you feel the high road
in baldly stating your
unerring perceptions with
no sign of ambivalence
or weighing of circumstances
much less accounting for
the emotional frailties of others
as you shatter their
illusions, upset their
beliefs, criticize their
options and leave them in
the despair of public shame
critical to their vulnerability
to uncertainty? I ask only
because as a student of human
interaction bemused by the
strident self-righteousness
that strides so confidently
through the psyches of others
I wish to be enlightened
and perhaps my question
might conceivably give pause
to reconsider....?

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