Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Invasive Species

Her matchless executive function
would have been called into question
her expertise in imbuing creatures
large and small deficient had she not
equipped them all, as grand mistress
of existence, with a primal awareness
of territorial advantage allied with an
inexorable will to survive. In the forest
animals whose instincts are aroused at
the barest vestige of intrusion threatening
their habitat react as they were meant
to do, interpreted as hostility yet in fact
defensively. And so it is with others in
the animal kingdom given to flight
as when that tiny captain of industry
the entire earthly community is vitally
dependent upon to fertilize critical
vegetation that feeds untold multitudes
hesitates in its pollen-gathering action
to repeatedly harass with the intention
of dislodging an omnivorous beetle
given to destroying blossoms ensuring
continuation that the actions of bees
preserve. The tiny creatures act out a
drama, the intruder species oblivious
to the harm it causes in its cycle from
egg to larvae to beetle, destroying all
on which it feeds, the bee custodians of
the growing matter springing from
earth's soil to nurture all animal life.

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