Sunday, August 12, 2018

We Are...

As a blueprint of brilliant design the
peerless binary synchronization that
distinguishes the human brain and heart
represents that most ineffable of
mysterious masterpieces, a plan whose
attention to minute detail instructing
mind and body in the art of existence
exalting the maker and her product into
the realm of perfection a motivating
presence unseen, unheard, unimaginable
in the sweep and magnitude of her
power knows no equal. Science and 
matter will always remain elusive
elements of life directed to interact 
exciting the mind to discover its own 
existence. The brain, the seat of thought
emotion and individuality the essence 
of being, leaving the illusion of uniqueness
where the soul resides in a spirit of 
knowing itself as itself. Yet, does it? 
Does the brain in its incalculable aptitudes 
storing memory and knowledge lead us 
to channel our emotions, introducing our
thoughts to the convincing argument 
that there is the matter of free will and 
the exercise of judgement so that we are
the masters of our own destiny? Or are 
we carried along on the tides of affairs
and events overwhelming choice and
suffocating destiny, mere disposable 
elements of nature's bold experiment.

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