Tuesday, August 7, 2018

On Guard For Thee

While the complexity of human nature is 
undeniable there are some elementary issues 
notwithstanding so entirely predictable no one 
needs a degree in advanced psychology to 
forecast just what outcome will be produced
when an impulse to cast abroad how manifestly 
wrong customs are elsewhere in their punishment 
of critics of national politics crushing the human 
spirit in defence of national policy when the 
critic's executive political station pits them 
against their counterpart of a nation with whom 
the former has diplomatic and trade relations in
the global sphere of political accommodation.
Long past the legendary 'shoot the messenger'
was put to rest, confidence that leaders of 
nations place credence in the efficacy of 
diplomacy when heritage, religion and custom
deviates, this became the mode of contact 
through international affairs of state that support 
discussion and rapport in lieu of inciting to 
conflict. A successful transition toward universal 
civility. With the advent of social media and 
the compulsion to state one's unequivocal 
position on the side of the angels, otherwise 
quasi-intelligent leaders see fit to unburden 
themselves now of criticisms against their 
international counterparts on a social platform 
invented by the avian species, as a children's
taunting and flaunting game. A fun process of 
denigration and offence resulting in avoidable 
hostilities and threats of dark reciprocation 
when less than adroit signals of virtuous 
superiority are published, gain notice and a 
storm of vituperation showers through the 
media in a regression to fraught affairs of 
state and international comity dissolves.

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