Monday, August 20, 2018

Their Story

Young and passionately in love, as much
with one another as they were with the
freedom and discovery adventure offered
them, they determined to dedicate their lives
to the landscapes of the world and the
opportunity to meet those who peopled
those exotic places that they might never
see remaining anchored to typical Western 
values of a frenetic working future and the 
possessions their friends so urgently 
aspired to. They foresaw to a life free to
wander, vowing not to leave all modern 
technology behind as they posted photos and 
their exhiliaration viewing landscapes of 
majesty and beauty magnified by villages
perched on mountainsides residents shyly
welcoming them, crossing borders and
experiencing life with a meaning and
intensity yet sweet serenity they had never 
imagined might be theirs to share. They wrote 
of the simple folk who shared their food
if not their language, of the courtesies and 
the smiling children and their comfort with 
life. Posting on Instagram and Facebook  
they kept family and friends updated. Up 
to the day they came met other lifestyle 
pilgrims the group filing along a steep 
mountain path chatting nonchalantly between 
themselves at peace with the world. Suddenly
those euphoric postings ceased. A villager 
witnessed the violent umbrage of religious 
zealots at the presence of unbelievers 
taking it upon themselves to dispose of the
strangers' presence as their  holy scriptures 
are known to command of the faithful.

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