Friday, August 10, 2018


Oh the wonder in a child's eyes newly
opened to the world and all its mysteries
of being and seeing and feeling without
end.That determination to forge through
the cautious denials of those preparing
them for independence who place obstacles
before them struggling to advance toward
whatever is fascinating and forbidden for
how will they ever learn? Their minds in
ferment they enter that world of wonder
knowing it beckons them and being there
will make their existence explicable to
their naive minds with their expectations
open to experience even as their thoughts
turn dark in the realization slow to arrive
but inevitable that what lies before them
is a multi-branched path trodden by all
that predated their presence on earth and
the choices they make in direction and
challenge in the kind or belligerent presence
of fortune will dictate whether their era
of childish excitement to meet and advance
their futures will have gained them deep
insight into the nature of humankind and
its long relationship with existence so
confusing to so many, eluding opportunities
and confidence, uncertain which direction
promises to promote their elusive destiny.

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