Thursday, August 2, 2018

Second Thoughts

As presumptively intelligent, sensible
individuals we believe ourselves
immune to manipulation even while
we set aside cautions that warn of the
surprisingly large number of devious
predators trolling for victims on
social media sites we find so alluring
as frames for our sketches of personal
details and smiling portraits virtually
beckoning the unsavoury to respond
and they do. Our better natures off
guard we assume the best of those
reaching out for they must be just
as we are, spontaneous, personable
eager to meet new friends even at the
distance of the mysterious ways of
the Internet, so capably separating us
geographically yet enlarging our
perspective and view of the world.
The encouragement to proceed that
they perceive in identifying yet another
vulnerable nature succumbing to
pitiable details of divorce, loneliness
love of family and getting-to-know-you
speaks to our trust and our compassion
and that we have chosen to be oblivious
to clever manipulation at the hands of
dedicated masters of the art of deception.

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