Tuesday, August 14, 2018


A Murder .. of Crows

As twilight cast its mystical serenity
over the landscape, a great flurry
of dark-winged juveniles swept
into the sky above the forest
canopy, calling and heckling
one another their voices
reverberating through the
otherwise-still forested enclave
where the heat of the summer day
had not yet abated, the densely
humid atmosphere of the
sweltering forest finding no
relief in the setting of the
sun fierce in its heavenly
throne. Such were their numbers
that the murder of crows circled
in swoops and sweeps trailing
one another so densely feathers
fluttered to the forest floor as
the birds assembled, reassembled
called their primacy of presence
the conquerors of forest and sky
this day in overwhelming numbers.

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