Friday, August 3, 2018

Extremity of Human Fallibility

Sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists
have a wide field of study to contemplate and 
in the human psyche that mysterious centre of 
cerebral power in the depths of human emotion 
leading to individual interaction on the world 
stage of personalities with character traits both 
admirable and reprehensible many which have 
made their indelible mark throughout history 
both in acclaim for their greatness and contempt 
for the depth of their senseless depravity. The 
lesson learned is that the human spirit is beyond 
merely complex in its wide-ranging expression 
of human predilection for good or for evil 
the path that each takes to achieve their destiny 
an unknown until the die is cast and the choice 
of free will is determined. It is not of course 
the sociopath in society that need be of concern 
for simple larceny, flouting of the social contract 
through marginally disruptive behaviour can 
be dealt with whereas the malicious lethal 
destructiveness of the psychopaths among us 
focused on hatred dwelling deep in the dark 
soul of those who cannot feel concern for others 
spurning emotional intimacy much less personal 
responsibility infests the world with the diseased 
mind of those immune to threat or persuasion
firmly fixed in their immutable psychosis of 
narcissistic entitlement of mayhem and murder.

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