Monday, May 21, 2018

Trading Lives For Profit

Conscience? Moral outrage? Finger-pointing
and indignation? Oh, it's there on fine display
with generous conscientious helpings of
sanctimonious rejection of a well-considered
reaction on the part of a collegial fellow
democracy to shield its population from the
viral and vicious antagonism that celebrates
mass murder as 'resistance' on delivery by a
designated terrorist group for whom strange
sympathy is evinced because its target is one
that stirs ancient recriminations against the
world's wandering tribe of exiles so recently
reconciled with its ancient homeland to the
unfortunate detriment of those who settled
there corrosively describing returning Jews 
as 'settlers' whose claim to heritage is
false and misleading in their campaign to
harness the world's deep-seated discontent
that too many Jews survived extermination.
Just as nature abhors a vacuum, when one
murderous totalitarian government evaporates
another rises, and so it is that Western Europe
has risen to the allure of investment and trade
reaping treasured benefits dealing with the
Iranian ayatollahs complacent that god has
entitled them to persecute their own and fund
armed emissaries globally to plot to kill.
That their target of note is the Jewish state
arming Hamas to destroy it with weapons
attained from the profits gained in European
investment and trade reflects the profound
irony of damning Israel's disproportionate
defence of its people in damning thunder.

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