Saturday, May 19, 2018

Farewell Little Nikon 

Oh how I valued its presence in my
life. It has been my constant companion.
Wherever I go, there it goes as well for
without it I would be lost. It enhances my
memory with its companionable presence
ensuring that what I regard with awe and
great admiration will never be forgotten.
If inanimate objects could have souls, its
was a companion to my own. It was a solace
providing me with an extension of my
own memory which can fail, but its ...
never! Imagine how devastating to lose
its presence and purpose. A delicate thing
it was, susceptible to harm though my
instincts had always been to protect it.
Alas, though it had never failed me, I
have failed that priceless instrument of
vibrant memory recall. Never again will
it colourfully and with breathtaking detail
document that which delights me and
which it faithfully stores for future recall.
Through an inadvertent and too-frequent
lapse my attention wandered leaving that
technological wonder to collide with an
immovable, unforgiving surface and its
prowess in capturing images to delight me
is no more. My fond memory of its 
faithful collaboration with those areas
of my life that matter will recall its value
but that too is sadly destined to fade.

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