Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Space Cookie

Lady, ever hear of basic shoppers' etiquette?
I know, I know, such transactions as filling
one's shopping cart with food demands
much of us, choices befuddle, prices astound
ingredients elude us, value is questionable
but because we must eat, therefore we are.
And there we were, a line of tired supermarket
shoppers awaiting their opportunity to unload
carts, pay the freight and get on with life.
And there you were -- mind if I ask? -- how
did you reach a half-century of existence
without becoming aware of others around you?
Totally oblivious you were to the long wait
you occasioned and the restless patience of
those behind you. Taking your sweet time to
perform simple tasks automatically demanded
to complete the shopping expedition. Whatever
went into the cart had to come out of it. Then
you know, placed on the treadmill, totted
up for a total to be paid, then packed and off
you go! Tedious it was awaiting your most
leisurely performance, rummaging in your
mind for the next step to satisfy your captive
audience. When I began packing you were
still at it. When I placed the bag meant for
the Food Bank on the shelf below that
conveyor belt and continued my packing
suddenly that bag wasn't there and you were
preparing to leave. Until I checked to see
you walking off with it and claimed it for
the Food Bank, depriving you of the mystery
contents of non-perishable food, Space Cookie!

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