Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Social Deviant

Could be, I suppose, you tend to be on a
scale of sociopathy around six at least or
perhaps your attitude can be attributed to
other causation, since you are, after all
let's face it: old. A little tinge of cynicism
burrows its way into your mind now and
again. I mean let's face it, everyone and I
surely do mean the entire world has been
transfixed with anticipation, the excitement
and admiration that true love elicits, but
evidently not you. What's that? true love
has nothing to do with it? It is the unbridled
fixation, the adulation that celebrity, that
royalty, even though they may be in fact
personal nonentities elicit in the enthusiasm
of onlookers, otherwise sane people who
cannot bring themselves to acknowledge
that the universal subconscious need among
us all to love and be loved in return is
everywhere and we ignore it to our peril.
But to lavish praise and attention on two
otherwise unremarkable people buoyed
by the fact that one is royal and the other
biracial is stiflingly boring for what is it
that elevates them above all others but
the consuming magnetism of a class
system outdated and stagnant. Worse
the propensity of the public at large to
embrace hollow status, imbuing it with
meaning when they and the institution that
so entrances them is but a shallow intrigue
to distinguish a supposed aristocracy from
pedestrian nothingness of everyone else.

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