Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Peaceable Prevention

Make no mistake, the time-honoured 
profession that stands heads and shoulders
above all others, requires dignity, creativity
craftsmanship and intelligence far beyond
the striving of pale imitations whose forays
into the field are forever destined to failure.
The ultimate practitioner of the arcane art
of diplomacy is one who musters a high
degree of craftsmanship, capable of endowing
statements with a subliminal message of
indisputable effectiveness, that wisdom
will prevail to discover an approach
agreeable to all parties of a dispute would
they but set aside petty aspirations in the
greater interests of world peace, finding
all parties involved theoretically agreeable
yet antagonistic to suggestions that others
can step in to dominate the conversation
undercutting their nation's conspiracy to
wield global power of a magnitude threatening
to void the empty rhetoric of those suspected
of plotting similar actions, prepared to wait
until their armouries are sufficiently prepared
to mount their own offences for among
these astute purveyors of cautionary advice
there are few naive enough to take on trust
the anodyne blandishments meant to disarm
intent to prevail in the diplomatic world of
aristocratic deftness of purveying the 
falsity of assurances devoid of reality.

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