Sunday, May 27, 2018

Syria to UN Rescue!

There are certain specific non-negotiable
primary qualifications to be met before
any aspirant can rise to these prestigious
positions within the world body of aggregate
representatives of the world order of nations
and dedication, deliberation, experience and
reputation are high among them. This
winning candidate certainly qualifies in all
respects, since its president has an unqualified
reputation of notoriety, for there are not many
totalitarian tyrants known for the ferocity
with which they mount deadly attacks upon
their own civilians as this one has, with
experience in the use of weapons of mass
destruction among them barrel bombs and
noxious lethal chemicals, much less the ancient
tried-and-true expedient long known to 
conscienceless dictators of siege warfare where 
privation and starvation become very effective 
weapons indeed. So the United Nations has 
picked a veritable winner for the role open to 
preside over the Conference of Disarmament 
in those hallowed halls dedicated to the 
preservation of peace and equality among
peoples. They now await recognition of the
sterling work they embark upon to meet
those sacred humanitarian ends: kindly now
stand and applaud the Syrian Arab Republic!

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