Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Incumbent

Well of course I didn't vote for him, the man's
politics was not my brand, although it most
certainly was my husband's for few matters
divided us as did our choice of politics. No
matter, the politician I derided and spoke so
scathingly of revealed himself as he took up
the reigns of office and though utterly lacking
in charisma I soon discovered the breadth of
his intelligence, love of country, fairness and
decency rare among those of his breed and
decided when the next election came around
he had my vote, this man who shirked the
limelight, but never failed to enact policies
I applauded. Two terms at the helm gave him
the opportunity to give shape to a preferred
timely grooming of a nation whose economy
and values he greatly enhanced even while the
man himself bored the electorate. At the polls
that followed another man took his place and
another party won, its leader young, handsome
the scion of a previous leader, who promised
much and delivered nothing yet garnered
praise to match his conceit. All that his
esteemed predecessor had gained reversed
by a vain, inexperienced man lacking the
cognitive capacity to delve deeply into the roots
of problems, but quick to smile ingratiatingly
leaving admirers with the impression that he
had governing talents to place their trust in.
He stumbles his way through his mandate
secure in his own impression he can do no 
wrong though countless of his decisions are 
plainly ill-considered, placing the country in 
a distinct disadvantage on every level. And 
though I am glad I never voted for this imbecile
it offers faint balm to the wounds he zealously 
confers on the nation. A twist on that reliable 
old adage: You can please some of the people 
all of the time. Simply put, the qualities of
arrogance and stupidity has its defenders.

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