Monday, May 14, 2018

Palestinian Justice

It becomes an effort for sane minds to begin
to envision a savage pathology so mired
in collective hatred that it incites an entire
population to spite itself in its greater
enterprise of placing blame in its self-imposed
culture of victimhood leading to its stark
embrace of death, a cultivation of martyrdom
taught to children from childhood to inspire
in them the highest calling demanded of
them as the generation of hope; one prepared
to surrender life in the greater aspiration of
their personal sacrifice heralding a new
dawn of national conquest. Not for any
of their generations can normalcy be
tolerated for theirs is an implacable
journey to seize that which has been lost.
There will be no surrender to the finer
human traits of compromise and sharing
in recognition that their demands have no
basis in justice for all. There is no space for
discussion and agreement leading to peace
in this mind-stunted pathology of all or
nothing in a people who will not accept
nothing and demand all they claim others
owe them while they owe others nothing.
A people who call themselves a nation, one
devoted to violent extremism determined to
destroy lives; if not others, then their own.

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