Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Yes, You!

Pride in your own accomplishments
is often warranted but that is an
emotion best kept close to oneself lest
the world recognize in your boastful
hubris the need for closer scrutiny to
validate those claims. And when the
lack of humility meets up with a reality
whereby it is evident that the skills you
promote are not indeed yours, the time
is ripe for a reckoning. All the more
painful when it does not come from
within, but from an outside source
calmly correcting the public record, a
record you've made public for the very
reason that the observation that you
really lack the skills you've promoted
to advance your professional standing
and boost your very special business
cannot withstand the truth that you 
really have no business involving
yourself within, when the result is the
discerning among those seeking the
very professional skills you claim to
own think otherwise and your career
comes to an abrupt, unfortunate end.

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