Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Emergent Cynic

As an exercise in emerging self confidence 
and lessons in engaging in societal practices
there is nothing quite like it, as parents hang 
back, urging their children, costumed and 
hopeful, to move forward, ring doorbells
chant that familiar challenge of trick-or-treat. 
The young ones are indeed a treat for the eyes
and rare are the householders who hold
back a smile as they inform the children
how impressive their costumes are and
how admirable their courage in confronting
those whose obligation it is to render unto
them the awards they avidly seek, so
obviously deservedly. As the crowds thin and
parents take their young ones home to bed
allowing them first to gloat happily over
their take, it's the turn of the older ones. Teens
who arrive sullenly to each home, careful
not to break a smile for this is their obvious
entitlement; no need to repeat a ridiculous
phrase, nor smile engagingly, and the very
idea of a costume is for little kids; their
costume is complete with a large sack
held proprietorially, wordlessly proffered.

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