Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Canine Social Order

Clearly, nature accelerates the process
of experience for some species over
others and just as clearly this four-month
puppy has absorbed the sagacity of those
who hesitate to spontaneously act in a
situation of vulnerability, hanging back
lingering behind his human's legs, alert
to the signals radiating from the frantic
barks of three-year-old twin yappers
finally satisfying himself with the 
recognition of all-bark-no-bite and
enthusiastically engages them in a rough
tumble of chase-and-wrestle, confident
that he possesses superior sprinting
skills, boxing manoeuvres, evasive
grappling techniques to match theirs
and in the process tax their paired 
capacity of defense against his good
natured offense. Of the pair the female
hangs back, nipping opportunistically
while her brother engages the upstart
snout to snout giving back whatever he
absorbs as the puppy's increasing level
of confidence spurs him to ever greater
efforts in quasi-combat. There are no
favourites in this uneven match but much
to admire in the spunk and energy on show.
In the final analysis this transactional
display of bravado and acrobatic skills a
showcase of meet-and-greet invitation an
initiation into the civil universe of dogs.

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