Friday, November 17, 2017


Just Because

Because at heart he has always been
a 19th century Romantic, and back then
when we were young in our era men
simply did not wear beards, he grew his own
hiding from view the youth he was and
appearing to me most distinguished. Because
he wore a beard and no one else did he was
distinguished. Now, 40 years later it seems
that everyone wears a beard, and because
he is dismayed that they do so in the most
unkempt of manners, he persuaded himself
to finally shave. Because he always floats
ideas past me, I protested and recommended
he not. Because he is who he is he always
proceeds with whatever he intends despite
my response. And I, because knowing the 
final inevitability of his actions, steeled 
myself for the result. The deed done, facial
hair removed because he would have it so
informing me that if the result dismayed
both him and me he could readily regrow
that beard, so much a part of him because it
was,  and I finally, after all these years came
face to face with the boy I had known almost
70 years ago and because memory is so
graven in our consciousness, I rejoiced.

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