Sunday, November 26, 2017


Kindness begets trust and anger begets
hatred, two polarizing influences on the
human psyche. Loneliness, endemic and
needy brings together those who find
solace in the presence of others for we
are by nature's design creatures seeking
others to be with, live alongside, dole
emotions between and for those who 
succeed existence glows pacifically. He
prided himself on decency, a good fellow
responding to the needs of others, casually
performing deeds of value and concern
in the process assembling a coterie of
grateful women in their isolated lives as
comely as he was not. A man of action
a proud man of many capabilities, all
placed to the service of those appreciating
his manifold talents. His own desires and
needs found in complementing theirs. Not
quite. When that assurance waned and
they retreated, he fumed over inconstancy
and the gross unfairness victimizing him.
Suicide out of the question for it was a
sin for the innocent to die. Theirs, on the
other hand, was deserving. And so in the
most competent way, he obviated their
very existence in a satisfactory solution
to a problem so needful of response.

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