Monday, November 13, 2017

Taking Note

If you've never noticed, my friend, it's simply
because you haven't paid attention. I do
notice, not that I'm much for paying attention
to details. It's just that this represents too much
of a coincidence that dogs happen to resemble
the humans they live with, certainly physically
and often one or the other appears to have
adopted the other's personality traits. You
doubt it? You're entitled to. It used to disturb
me when I realized that some of the dogs I've
lived with had really peculiar traits and I
began to wonder if I really knew myself as
others saw me. Think about it: that kind of
thing can throw you into a state of depression.
I'm a sensible person and saw the utility 
finally of simply disregarding the idea, since
it was, after all, an idea. Not that dogs and
people have a tendency to resemble one another
no, not that, but that my dogs in particular were
tainted by my personality. Or the reverse, if
that were possible. Today, while ambling along
a trail in the forest there was a woman walking
a Golden. Of course the dog could have been
walking her. In any event, this woman had
quite distinguishing physical characteristics; for
one thing, apple cheeks, for another a most
ample body. Oh, and long, flowing red hair. And
she was wearing a cape. Did I mention how cold
and damp it was, how overcast, how windy and
miserable? With a moody dusk atmosphere well 
entrenched?Well, it was. The dog loped along
well ahead down the slope leading into the 
ravine, its red hair long and dishevelled. See
what I mean? The dog was silent, mine was not.
Did they sense something? Did I? Was there
something sinister here, a pair of shape-shifters?


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