Thursday, November 30, 2017

Final Statement

Resolute and determined, the man who
once ordered the death of enemies of his
state has now placed a more personal removal
on order. What other choice does a patriot
have, after all? A proud man, a man of no
little accomplishment his honour has been
irremediably impugned by the ignorant with
power determined to hold accountable those 
designated the oppressors, the killers, the
scum among greater society's passionate
believers in heritage, culture and history
striving to retain and to protect what is theirs
while a sanctimonious world looks on in
stark condemnation. His moral compass is
sound, he very well knows and understands
the direction he and his chose, to protect
all they held dear, to destroy those who
threatened their patrimony. Faith in the
sacred memory of the past and hope for
the future led them to this choice of the
heart and the soul. The crude condemnation
of upstarts without commitment to the 
clarion call of blood and belonging and
their deliberate misconstruction of those
bloody events through their hysterical bouts
of vilification, their refusal to heed reason
has led him to his final solution, a swift
potion of death, one swallow of the draught
and they no longer can persecute the righteous.

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