Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Benevolent Giant

A veritable giant of a man, his imposing
figure standing majestically over the
modest heights of mere mortals, that
deep voice bellowing from within his
robust chest sends thoughts of the Almighty
communicating with Moses, thundering
through the clouds of Sinai. Like a
compassionate Deity he inclines his head
to gaze on those he encounters smiling
kindly, his advantage transforming the
pedestrian comments he utters into 
messages seeming to brim with wisdom
and solemnity tinged with humour, himself
transfixed by the awe he inspires through
the grace of his outsize genetics causing
those new to his acquaintance and those 
long familiar with him alike to react to his
presence with visceral fascination and no
small measure of intimidation. Indeed
what a specimen he presents as from
his vertiginous height and massive frame
his bearded face beams benevolence
but like a blueprint aborted in its final
stage, possessed, alas, with a process of
thought and a mind unmatched by undue
expectation. No matter, he is more than
satisfied with the reception his extraordinary
presence elicits from those among whom
he moves, an exceptionally notable creation.

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