Thursday, November 2, 2017



Mid-Autumn, that most ephemeral of
nature's transitions, teasing our vision
with a galaxy of colour as though to
disavow our sense of time and place
when the familiar undergoes its embrace
of surrender to the annual imperative to
race for winter's entrance, the shades of
gold and crimson filling our eyesight with
the brilliant, absorbing landscape of
departure, the colour prism sparkling
rainbow hues to contrast with winter's
silver and white, tones of icy demeanor
the warmth of summer hues departing
with the songbirds and the butterflies
making their pilgrimage south, deserting
their transitory northern breeding grounds
as we, lulled by the grandeur of nature's
incomparable palette, dream of past
Autumns, recalling times and events
people and the tenderness of moments
in this solemn, annual ritual of parting.

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