Friday, April 21, 2017

The Power of Words

They can be ephemeral yet priceless
like jewels lifted out of the very air
reflecting light and casting the fire
of their beauty on the beholder valuing
them for the messages they bring
those words that link to reality and
existence, to the exaltation experienced
in lifting themselves from the obscurity
of hidden meaning to reveal the sublime
in a poet's treasury of skills that
transport the ordinary to the sublime.
These are jewels whose performance
is linked with the very issue of life
itself expressing thought and meaning,
illuminating the mind and freeing
the spirit. When not in use these
words are gently held in a treasury
secure from those who would misuse
them, deposited deep in the seat of
my soul where none but myself can
reach them nor manipulate them for
their own ends. There they wait for me
to lift them to their place of glory in a
poem scintillating with raw truth and
humour as befitting their status as
builders of narrative and concern even
as they speak to a perception I own.

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