Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Dilemma

My thoughts will remain
securely in my head, I may gain
impressions but they are not to
be shared among those whose
endurance to life I assess and
my friend, you look exhausted by
life, your face is drawn and
sallow, your hair more meagre
and white than when last we met
so it is well that we discuss
neutral matters that concern us
and of which we read in the news
open subjects to anyone who 
cares to care. Your very tone 
is fatigued though that too I 
will note but not make mention
of. Nor will I ask after your
aged mother, let alone the new
condition of your beloved pet
for there are times when the
wish to share is there and when
it is absent. In your face and your
manner there is a declaration of
defeat, despite that you suddenly
raise your head and defiantly
state: 'one day follows another
and one must cope', and I nod.

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