Friday, April 14, 2017


Fear of Flying

Get . Over . It. Conquer your fear.
It is ill-advised. Oh yes, there are
risks, but think of the risks alpinists
shake off as inconsequential to the
aspiration of summitting Earth's
highest peaks -- avalanches, hypoxia,
fallllllling from impossible heights
tumbling into giant crevasses from
which there is no escape. Those who
survive write books of their exploits.

So can you. In taking flight you merely
risk the vanishingly limited opportunity
to plunge precipitately into the abyss
of air or ocean; think of the romance 
of it! Oh yes, other risks come to mind;
being forcibly ejected from your
reserved-and-paid-for seat en route
to your desired place of comfort; in
the process sustaining a concussion
loss of teeth, broken nose, with
reconstructive surgery on the horizon.
Yet consider this: you will henceforth
fall into considerable wealth as a
citizen of the most litigious society
in the world, with a wealth of reasons
to sue the notoriously awful airline
that subjected you to harm and 
humiliation for which they will pay
dearly. And you become a celebrity!

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