Thursday, April 20, 2017


Nature's Show

When there are no competitors
for the undisputed title of most
powerful force in existence, the 
source in fact of all existence
there is little incentive to vacate
the stage so well monopolized.
Even so, there are occasions when
rehearsals are called for, small-scale
events that to those affected may
appear monumental but in fact 
are nothing in comparison to
what the slightest exertion on the
part of that force can muster. And
nor in fact is there any need to
call in admirers to witness those
rehearsals; they occur and they
have their inevitable impact and
none are any the wiser other than
knowing should they view the
results that reputation has been
well earned. And so, deep in a ravine
within a large urban forest days of
unrelenting rain set the stage for
a hilltop collapse, a huge slump of
earth taking with it venerable trees
whose long life attests to the serenity
the area has long been accustomed to.
The slide of earth, in fact clay and
sand has created an immense chasm
and below a waterway is interrupted
then finds its passage under the trunk
of a tree whose roots no longer fixed
in the soil, drown along with the
myriad others, sacrificed by the
creator of all she surveys and with
aplomb and indifference manipulates.
With a rumble, a roar and a great
moist whoosh of wind chaos is born.

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