Saturday, April 8, 2017


Look closely, there where the
soil has been newly liberated with
the snow gradually shrinking its
presence thanks to the graceful kiss
of the sun, a presence felt as well by
those that have been imprisoned for
so long, isolated from the world
below the garden's promise of a
new awakening. There they are
tentative issues of green and red
shoots barely discernible verifying
for themselves that the episode of
their confinement has passed once
again. And once more they prepare
to allow themselves to be nurtured
by the gentler rains of spring, by the
warming rays of a spring sun and
the wind ruffling new foliage in an
atmosphere quite unlike that which
had so recently locked them in a
state of darkness and despair. The
gardener anxiously recalls where 
each of the familiar, cherished plants
should be, hoping none has perished
over a long and icy winter, prepared
to welcome them, every one to
the burgeoning spring industriously
developing the glory of blooms
to cheer the forlorn garden right 
into the hazy, lazy summer months.

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