Friday, April 28, 2017


Night Sky

The dark humour of desolate
black had long since eclipsed the
lingering day. Out of its vast dome
overarching the landscape emerged
furious unseen winds sweeping before
them a dense ceiling of unremitting
force sending lethal daggers of light
to pierce the gloom, shattering the
dark with episodes of brilliant light
frantic with the lingering effect
of a nanosecond. The atmosphere
boomed with repeated bursts of
sound, a light-and-sound display of
nature's awesome authority. The
dark night sky unleashed torrents
of anguished tears from a firmament
rent and pummelled in an ageless
conflict between the pacific and the
aggressive elements that nature
occasionally frees from the shackles
of casual order she imposes upon
them. It is her army marching above
with its ferocious sound and might
a warning that she alone has the
power and the inclination to darken
and threaten all that matters on Earth.

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